The CDL research activities are in the area of Computational Design and Synthesis of Mechanical Systems. In particular, our research focuses on the development of new engineering models, representations, algorithms, and design semantics to enable systematic, and efficient design, analysis and manufacturing of engineering artifacts.
Maximal Ball Disjoint Decompositions discretize a given shape in s unique and complete decomposition of maximal spheres. This geometric representation has broad applications in downstream engineering applications.
Simultaneous Packaging and Routing of Complex Interconnected Systems. Independently, each problem is known to be NP-hard. Solving the combined problem is a particularly interesting and challenging task.
FINDFabs: Searching The Universe of Manufactured Parts. Identifying potential manufacturers of existing designs by scanning the distributed information of geometric models using manufacturing-specific similarity metrics.
Systematic Design, Analysis and Control of Manufacturable Nano Machines. Discover, design, and synthesize robotic molecular agents whose motion is predictable and controllable.
Horea Ilies gave an invited seminar at Carnegie Mellon University on "Design Space Parametrizations and Their Role in Mechanical Design Space Exploration."
November, 2024Mohammad successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
October, 2024Our new paper on Spatial Packaging and Routing Optimization of Complex Interacting Engineered Systems has been accepted to ASME JMD.